Red Breasted Robin bracing for the snow to come!
When I went to the post office, I heard a high pitched chirp above me. This little Robin was staying perfectly still when I walked by, and I had the feeling she was going to stay put. So I went to my car only a little bit away and got my camera and came back and got her picture!! It was so beautiful! I over exposed this photo by using the image exposure compensation dial (+/-) on my camera and over exposed it by 3/4. I also used my flash to properly expose the bird. With the white snow cloud in the back, the image would have been a silhouette if I had not used the flash, because there was such high contrast in the exposure. The flash was also used to add a catch light to the eye. Always try to focus on the eyes on living subjects. This bird was perfectly still, and I hand held the camera, and the flash helped keep the photo sharp as well. This was taken with my normal 70-200mm lens. It was awesome. The only touch up that I did to this photo was to remove unwanted branches in the background that were distracting and took away from the main subject.
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