Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Got Milk?? It could improve your photography! =)

While I was taking photographs of the pink roses, I wanted to make it different, and I thought of a trick I learned while in high school. But with digital, and white balance, it has added a whole new dimention to it!

This picture was just as I shot it, in camera, no computer software was used, just a plastic gallon of milk container! After the container was empty and washed out, I cut a square piece or of the side of the container. Then, in that square, I cut out a shape of a heart! I had the flower next to a tungsten light, then set my camera's white balance to tungsten. I put a bounce flash on my camera with the flash aimed at the wall behind me. I hand held my new filter in front of the lens a couple of inches, focused on the flower. When the flash went off, it turned the white plastic into a blueish color, and a hint of blue tint onto the rose. That is how this photo was taken!

You can make so many cool filters, in any shape, and you are not limited to the milk container. Mountain Dew bottles when cut out give a really pretty softness of the color green and is incredible for garden photographs. The top of a Pringle's Can fits right over a 52 and 55mm filter sized lens. You don't have to spend a lot of money on expesive filters to get really cool effects! Adding clear fingernail polish around the edges of a spare UV filter ads a soft touch to photographs! Just let your imagination run wild! And never be afraid to experiment! It is digital, if you don't like it, delete it and try something new! =) Just remember to have fun!!!

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