Monday, October 18, 2010

You Light Up My Life!

In the past few years, I developed a passion for photographing lighthouses. We are so fortunate to have so many beautiful lighthouses within driving distance from where we live! A couple of years ago, I thought Portland Head Lighthouse was the absolute best lighthouse to photograph. That is until this June when my friend Rose and I stopped at the Pemaquid Lighthouse in ME, on the way home from a week long vacation in Acadia National Park with friends from the SSCC! It was an incredible trip, and this light house was the perfect ending to a perfect vacation! It is not really the lighthouse itself that is so spectacular, it is the scenery around it that makes it so special!! Once you see this lighthouse in person, others don't even compare! I don't remember what the camera settings were, I just spot metered off of the gray rock for the exposure. Have got to get back there again soon!! It is just breathtaking!

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