Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't be afraid to shake things up a little bit...

 I love having fun playing with the camera and trying new things, and one thing I do a lot on flowers and such is move the camera during a slightly long shutter exposure. I have done this many times with smaller objects of colorful objects, and gotten some pretty cool results! Today I saw a picture in a magazine that my friend Jamie gave me and it had a picture of a whole fall scene done this way! So I had to run out after work and try it out. I didn't see the scene that I pictured taking, but I fell in love with the one I did take! If you double click on it, you will see the larger version, and it looks like a painting, but this is how I took it in the camera! Can't wait to try it again tomorrow! I will have to scope out some new scenes! If you try it, have fun!!

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