Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Best Things In Life Are Free!

What a perfect day to be out walking and talking and spending time with friends! This was a perfect fall day in New England, couldn't ask for more! The above shot was taken with a Nikon camera that has an image overlay feature. You shoot two photos in RAW, one in focus, and one not, and by using the image overlay feature, you can create one dream like image!

Went to my first Cranberry Bog Harvest today! It was incredible to see how they harvest the cranberries into huge dump trucks! The thing that caught my eye was the two seagulls that were hanging around. They were enjoying it too! =0) This was spot metered off the seagull and under exposed by 1/3 of a stop. Then the photo itself was darkened just a little bit to bring the red out in the cranberries.

The Jenny Grist Mill is one of my all time favorite places to go. You never know what you are going to see there, but most likely to find something cute and feathery! This duck was squawking away, and very cute! He was shot with a 300mm lens. Spot meter reading was made on his cheek to get the right exposure!

I ended the day shooting reflections at Cushing Pond in Hingham with a group of photographer friends from the SSCC! This is a reflection of trees taken with at 300mm. Then flipped upside down! Gives it a funky artistic look! Great way to end a perfect day! Thanks to all my friends who shared it with me! =)

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