Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lucky shot!

A little over a year ago, there was a bad thunder storm rolling through the neighborhood and when it was over I drove to a local pond to see if I could capture a rainbow! What I caught was just as beautiful! The swan seemed glad to have company, and you can still see the storm clouds in the back where it was pouring rain! I just missed capturing a lightning bolt in this photo by a fraction of a second in the dark part of the cloud!! Anyway, I was sitting on a rock next to the edge of the water and the only way to get the cloud into the photo was to get the lowest angle possible. So I put my camera on the widest angle I could on my lens which I think was 55mm. I had the camera on my sneaker aimed in it's direction of the swan as it swam by and took several shots. I had no idea what I was going to get because I couldn't see, but sometimes you have to take a chance at a shot and pray for the best!! That is exactly what I did here, and it worked!! =)

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