Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Go Kiss a Moose! LOL!

Just about a year ago I went to the White Mountains with my cousin and we were just talking about moose, and minutes later we came upon a family of them! There us just something majestic about moose! I love them! This photo I panned and got a really cool effect. Panning is when you move the camera usually side to side in the middle of an exposure, to show motion. It was by accident, my tripod head was not locked when I pushed the trigger, but I loved the results! If anyone asks about something like this when it happens to you, and it comes out really cool, tell them you meant to do it! LOL!! Now I do do this on purpose, but then it was just luck! =) Anyway, I love the look in his eye, the leaf in his mouth and the panning effect that I did to give is a special artistic look to it! Very complicated technique, but effective! Wink! =0) There are no mistakes if you get a great result! It was meant to be, that's all!

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