Friday, June 17, 2011

Running away to take photos is easy! Picking a hadful to share with friends is SO HARD!!

Yesterday was a run-a-way day for me, and I took off to the coast of Maine! It was such an incredible day! From the minor thunder and lightning show at Portland Head Lighthouse, to the perfect reflections at Pemaquid Lighthouse to fields of flowers, could not have asked for a more relaxing day! Sometimes I get to go with friends, but this time I went on my own, but through the digital technology, I still get to share my trip with you! I hope you enjoy the photographs. I can't wait to run away again! God didn't create us so that we could sit at a desk all day. If he did, he would have made them more comfortable, and He would not have spent so much time creating so many beautiful things in the world! When in doubt, step back into nature and take time to enjoy it. You will be glad you did. I know I am!

In Maine, there are fields of Lupine flowers everywhere. They are a beautiful addition to the landscapes!

This is Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine! Well worth the trip!!!

Lupines right before the sun started to set! An amazing sight to see!

Daisies are one of my favorites too! So simple and yet so beautiful!

This looks peaceful enough, but there were sirens going off because the clouds you see in the picture were actually thunder clouds, and they were warning all the boats that the storm was coming in!!

You can almost feel the electricity in the air just by looking at this photograph! Imagine being on a cliff and hearing the thunder too!! =) This was my cue to go back to the car!

This simple flower growing in a rock on top of a cliff at the ocean was a clear reminder that no matter how hard things get, you can survive!

This is a reflection of Pemaquid Lighthouse in a puddle on the cliffs below! I was the only one there, and it was truly amazing!!! I flipped it upside down to make it look liked a framed painting!

This is back at Portland Head Lighthouse after the thunder storm passed! Looked for a rainbow, but there was not enough rain falling!

This is the view the Pemaquid Lighthouse is famous for. When the tide comes in, it creates a puddle on the cliffs, and when the tide goes out, you can go down on the cliffs, and if you sit down, you can see the reflections in the puddle!!  It is beautiful!!

No photo tips today! Just explore what is around you and enjoy! Don't know where I will be running away to next, but I will be sure to have my camera with me so I can take you all with me!!

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