Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Birthday Rose, The tradition continues,,,

When I was about 19 years old, I started thinking what a special day my birthday was, not just for me, but what a special day it must have been for my Mom as well. It was a day that the both of us should celebrate together and we did!! That day, when I got home from work, I walked into the house, and gave my Mom a kiss, and pulled out from behind my back a bunch of pink roses and said "Congratulations, It's a GIRL!!!"

She was so happy what I had done. She said I was crazy! LOL!! She said "Explain this to me, It is YOUR birthday, and I am the one getting flowers??" I said "Yup! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be me! This is a day that is special to both of us, and it is something that just the two of us share, and I just wanted to say thank you and Congratulations, It's a girl!" Then I gave her a big hug!! Then she said. "Quick, go put them in a vase and get some pictures, and then give them back to me! =) That day was so special, I continued the tradition ever since! And every time, she would give the flowers back to me, and say, "They are so pretty, quick, go take a picture of them, and then give them back to me! LOL!!

So, on my birthday, I still take pictures of pink roses, because without her I wouldn't be the person I am today. She was the most incredible Mom ever, and I was so blessed to have her as my Mom!! Words can't even begin to express how much I miss her, but the pink roses bring back her smile to my heart, so Mom, these are for you!! I miss you sunshine! After I take better pictures of the roses, I will put some of them on your grave, so we can celebrate our special day. It will never be the same without you, but I will always be so proud to be your daughter!! And your smile will always be in my heart!!Thank you for giving me such an amazing life!!! <3
This rose is pink and yellow, I believe it is a friendship rose, and You were always my best friend as well as my Mom!! Love you!!!

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