Monday, November 7, 2011

I STILL Don't Get It....

Recently I taught Creative Photography 101 for the South Shore Camera Club at a two day conference! It was so much fun. I got to teach four classes in all. Two on Composition, and two on Creative Photography! The thing that I don't get is why parents as a rule tell their kids "NOT" to play with their food!! Well, now that I am all grown up, I like playing with my food! Now that I have taught this class, my friends are now playing with their food too!  I just think you have to be older to truly appreciate how much fun it can be!!

Here is some of the photos that I taught how to take at the seminar! Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them! The best part of the course was when people were yelling "AWESOME!!" That means that they were excited that they captured the shot that they were trying for, and that was awesome for me to hear! All in all, it was a great weekend!! Take a look!
This is a strawberry dropped into a vase of 7-up! So much fun!!

This is a cup full of bubble gum and Christmas lights in the background! Great Illusion!

This is looking inside of a glass on a pile of gum balls!

This is a zoom effect on gum balls!

Have a "Lazy Susan" in your kitchen? Try putting colorful food on it and give it a spin!

Gum Ball kaleidoscope done on my computer from one of my pictures.

Gum balls looking through a bowl!

Jelly Beans in motion!

Jelly Beans in a star burst effect!

So much fun, I dare you to look at your food the same way again! I know Cheerios are supposed to be healthy for you, but I am thinking Fruit Loops might be really fun!! So tell me again, why can't we play with our food? Hope this brought a smile to your day! If you come up with more ideas, feel free to let me know!!!

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