To me there is just something magical about photographing swans in the winter. I started the New Year off with a dawn photo shoot of swans in Pembroke. Photographing swans in ice and water is so rewarding. You see swans in a whole new way! Maybe because you don't usually see them standing on water, or because you expect to see white in the winter time, and the light blue hues on the ice compliment the swans so well. I don't know, I just know that besides photographing the signets in the spring, I think photographing swans in the winter is my favorite! Looks freezing out, but it was actually in the 40's today which was perfect!!
This is a family of four. The almost grown swans can be identified by their lighter color beaks.
This is the father in front, and the daughter in the back. The girl swans have pink legs and are whiter than the male swans. The male swans are more of a beige till they are fully grown, and they have black legs.
This is the Mother on the right, and the son on the left. He has black legs, and his wing span still has a lot of beige feathers in it!
Let the year begin!! =) Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!
These photos were taken at dawn. I shot these on a "SCENE" setting on my camera called. Snow/Beach. It lets the camera see whites, and expose it properly. Normally shooting white, you either have to use exposure compensation to over expose, or lighten the photos up later with software, because the meter on your camera will try to expose your camera as 18% grey tone, instead of white. I tried the scene mode on my camera and really liked the results. The snow in the back looks blueish, and that is because it was! The sun was just coming up, and the swans were still in the shadows of the night! Perfect way to start the New Year, and the day! =)
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