You don't really need a whole tree or scene to capture the beauty of fall colors. This was two photos taken in RAW and overlayed in my camera to make one photograph. If you don't have image overlay, you could get the same effect by using a long exposure and instead of zooming the lens during the exposure, zoom the focus ring half way through instead! I have tried it, and it works! The best part is taking the time to play and have fun!!
Camera clubs have a rule in nature photography, no hand of man can be involved in a nature shot. Normally I follow that rule anyway. In a zoo for instance, if I can see a fence or something man made in the shot with an animal, I won't take the shot! But when I saw this fence with the leave stuck in it, it looked so artistic, I had to take it! (No, I did not put this leaf there, the fence was on the other side of a stream.) All the leaves on the ground in the background almost look like fire, but they are just leaves. I shot it at 4.5 aperture so that the background would be completely out of focus. Also used a tripod because it was in low light, and I could line up the chains in the fence as well! It was just being at the right place at the right time! LUCK!!! =)
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